The universal stand for tablets, e-readers, and mobile phones.
Stump Quotes
don't just take our word for it
“... Shrewdly designed... makes any mobile device much easier to use...”
— The Boston Globe
“ I use it a lot as my main traveling stand while I’m on business trips or vacation, but it also makes a good dock pretty much anywhere else, too”
— iMore
“Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best, which is why, for the past several years, my desk has been home to a Stump Stand.”
— Mac World
Stump Stand
The universal stand for tablets, e-readers, and mobile phones.
Stump Stand for eReaders, iPads, iPhones, and tablets
Versatile 3-in-1 tablet stand
The Stump Stand is a 3-in-1 stand that provides multiple viewing positions for your tablet - Ramp, Lean and Upright.
• Small, yet tough and sturdy
• Holds your tablet in three different positions
• Works with most tablets and eReaders
• Weighted for stability
• Made of rubber-like material
• Available in various colors
The minimalist design of the Stump Stand makes it an ideal home base for all of your portable electronic devices. Whether your device is actively storing, charging, synching, or simply waiting for its next use, the Stump offers a stable home and a clean presentation. And sure, it is highly portable - but it is also low profile, so you can keep multiple Stumps throughout your living environment: at your desk, on the kitchen counter, on your nightstand, in your car - practically anywhere.