honorable mentions

The success of the Stump is a direct result of its simplicity: there are no moving parts to break, no fiddling or adjustments required to find the right position… Yet the Stump actually boasts three ways to hold your iOS device
— Mac World
The portability without having to compromise on the look and feel of your iPad is the Stump’s biggest selling point. If you’re taking your iPad, it’s just as easy to take the Stump too, and then you have a solid stand for practically any use of your iPad.
— AppAdvice
The stand is compact and easy to carry with you on a trip, and the footprint is smaller than some coffee cups, which means you can use it anywhere: on a table, on the plane, at a meeting, and in your car.
— Mobile Tech Review
What Needs Improvement: Nothing. It is simplicity at its finest and utility at its simplest.
— Gear Diary
Wow, who would have thought that a lump of black rubber could be so useful! Ingenious iPad stand with excellent grip & 3 viewing positions. Everyone who sees it is smitten. Something I didn’t realize I couldn’t live without it!
— Stump Stand Customer
If you regularly read recipes on a tablet, an e-reader, or a smartphone, or even in an old-school cookbook, you could use a solid stand. After testing dozens of device and book stands, we’re confident we’ve found the best models for most kitchens. For your electronics, the Stump Stand offers the best value. Designed to work with any device, it supports more viewing angles than the competition and sits more solidly on the counter; it’s also one of the easiest stands to store.
— The Sweet Home
I don’t ever see myself having to go out and finding a new stand because everything I want the stand to do, it just does perfectly. I wholeheartedly recommend the Super Stump and Stump Stand
— Stump Stands Customer
Once you put your tablet, ereader or smartphone in the stand, you will realize how perfect the stand is at holding your device in a comfy position for viewing to typing. The Stump Portable Stand is the simplest stand we’ve seen, yet it’s very effective at what it does.
— Mobile Tech Review
This $25 stand does everything I need it to in terms of supporting my iPad while at my desk, and I love how little space it takes up when not in use. This unassuming Stump of a stand is a real winner in my book
— iSource
Because it is as heavy as it is it won’t go anywhere and the tablet won’t topple over. Because it’s made of soft rubber it won’t scratch your device. And because it has a large enough opening cut into it, The Stump will hold a tablet even when it is in most cases.
— Gear Diary
It feels simple, yet I know a good deal of thought went into designing and manufacturing the product. The most simple products usually require the most thought to ensure that the initial idea is conveyed without additional layers of complexity. One of the well thought out and simple yet useful design elements of the Stump Stand is a rounded cut out that makes selecting the Home button of the iPad 2 simple when in the vertical position.
— The Gadgeteer
What makes the Stump tablet stand so popular is its extremely simple design, affordable price tag and an exhaustive range of practical uses. Its compact design occupies minimum space on your desk and does not compromise on the style and look of your prized iPad. The Stump is equally stylish and classy and makes a great addition to your personal collection of gadget accessories.
— Gadget Reviews
There are actually three notches cut out of the Super Stump for three different viewing angles. The first is a natural ramp position. This is ideal for most situations and what you mostly see with tablet stands. The second notch allows for the tablet to lay a bit flatter. This is great for when you are standing. It allows you to read things like recipes if you are in a kitchen. Now, the third viewing angle is rather genius in my opinion. If you use the top notch, you can view your tablet while laying down. This channel raises your tablet for a more comfortable viewing angle.
— Mac Sources
This may be the one gadget accessory you’re still using 10 years from now.
— Geek Beat
Basically, this is a FANTASTIC, great QUALITY & lightweight item, can be used on your lap, in the car, on a table, & in bed. Great for watching films, no more balancing, propping with pillows or holding it (& getting achey hands!)
— Super Stump Customer
The Super Stump is the tablet stand your lap has been looking for!
— Super Stump Customer
Despite being used every day, the original model that I’ve had on my desk for three years has no signs of wear and tear… If you’re in the market for a simple but eminently serviceable stand for your iOS device, I can’t recommend the Stump highly enough.
— Mac World
The Stump Stand is one of the accessories that will not be finding its way into my accessory graveyard – it delivers where other accessories have failed.
— The Gadgeteer
I liked it so much I bought a second one for the office. Since then Stumps have multiplied like Tribbles in my home.
— Mac Sparky